More about Kendra.

I identify as a queer, feminist, anti-racist, gender & sexuality-affirming, all-body-inclusive provider. I see importance in creating space for exploring the impact of adversities faced as a result of prejudice & discrimination, as I’m aware how impactful this can be on mental & emotional wellbeing.

I believe that one size doesn’t fit all. We’re not copy/paste humans. I integrate a variety of approaches & tend to work best with folks wanting to step out of the box of societal expectations.

Check out my specialties, populations, & modalities below.

  • Specialties

    Identity / Sexuality

    Anxiety / Depression

    Perfectionism / Body Image

    Relational Strain / Boundaries

    Open relationships / Polyamory

  • Populations

    Individual adults (18+)

    Partnered adults (mono, poly, & everything in between… I roll with all the consensual things.)

  • Modalities

    The human experience is a spectrum. To meet this spectrum of experiences, I approach with a spectrum of tools and modalities. I’m relationally focused & utilize my experience with you as therapeutic tool. I’ll engage in curiosity with what I notice in session & how it may present in your day-to-day life. I will gently - but directly - call you out.

    Some modality nuggets I tend to throw in the mix:

    Gottman Method

    Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

    Acceptance & Commitment Therapy

    Emotion-Focused Therapy

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy